Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

-George Santayana
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The market’s recent volatility has been a wake-up call to people preparing for, or enjoying, retirement.

While it’s certainly a relief to see the markets rebound from 2008, you might be wondering, “Could it happen again?” And would you be prepared?

We all know the stock market has its ups and downs. Unfortunately, a down market at the wrong time could delay…or even derail…your retirement plans.

Imagine that you were getting ready to retire in late 2008. The S&P 500 went from a high of 1561.80 to a low of 683.38 in just a matter of weeks. That’s a 56% loss in value. You would need to earn a return of 122% just to get back what you lost. Fortunately, many people did see their portfolios rise once again… but it took 5 YEARS.

Is your retirement protected from market volatility? There are retirement planning solutions designed to lessen the effects of market volatility. Please CONTACT ME TODAY to discuss your retirement future.

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